Tooling reclamation & refurbishment

NTR have been repairing metal cutting tools for over 40 years and we are experts in our field with strong customer relationships across the UK and in 13 countries in Europe. We have perfected our process for tool refurbishment and reclamation. Customers can often save up to 70% on choosing replacement tooling.

Call us today and find out how we can help your bottom line : 01937 845 112


How your tools are repaired…

When the damaged tool is fully inspected and the order is booked into our management system the process for each tool runs as follows.

Step 1 | NTR Ltd

Step 1.

An initial quotation is prepared which is then sent back to you for approval after our internal verification process.
Step 2 | NTR Ltd

Step 2.

Once approved, the tool is transferred to the safe hands of our shop floor team to commence the repair process.
Step 3 | NTR Ltd

Step 3.

The first step is strip-down, this includes an assessment of damage and preparation of the tool for machining included in the original quotation.
Step 4 | NTR Ltd

Step 4.

TIG welding is used to build the tool back up to a slightly greater dimension to its original size and shape.
Step 5 | NTR Ltd

Step 5.

Our experienced milling engineers then mill the tool pockets back to their original geometry and tolerances.

Step 5 | NTR Ltd

Step 6.

Our experienced grinding engineers machine a tool in a rotary plane to cut the tool back to its original diameter.
Step 7 | NTR Ltd

Step 7.

Tools are then machined to remove imperfections (e.g. swarf, excess weld) with internal threads drilled or tapped where required.
Step 8 | NTR Ltd

Step 8.

A thorough inline inspection is completed at all stages of the process to ensure final dimensions are correct.
Step 9 | NTR Ltd

Step 9.

The tool is then finished by appropriate methods (eg bead blasting, black etch primed) to ensure the tool is aesthetically pleasing.
Step 10 | NTR Ltd

Step 10.

The tool is then subject to a final inspection and, if passed, the NTR sticker and certificate of conformity assigned.
NTK Cutting Tools | NTR Ltd
Sandvik | NTR Ltd
TaeguTec | NTR Ltd
Walter | NTR Ltd
Kennametal | NTR Ltd
Guhring | NTR Ltd


Special Cutting Tools

Over the 40 years we have been in business, we have come across every sort of metal cutting tool used in a whole host of industries. Our expertise means we can tackle the sort of complex tools that other companies would turn away. Our deep understanding of complex geometry and strict adherence to tolerances means that we are the best team for the job.


Head Office

Contact us today and let’s find out how we can assist your next project.
+ 44 (0)1937 845112




Across the UK & Europe


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